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Jane Evershed
Nov 28, 20241 min read
My blog has moved to SUBSTACK!
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Jane Evershed
Apr 26, 20246 min read
creating A New mother earth.
Our Mother Earth is a regenerative force and her invaders are a degenerative force. Consequently She has had to spend her divine essence...
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Jane Evershed
Apr 10, 20247 min read
our Galactic Mother speaks
I am the Nurturing Mother speaking to you, heed my words… A very long time ago we all lived in perfect harmony, you and I and the Father...
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Jane Evershed
Mar 11, 20247 min read
Return to Self & Source
"Our collective creation currency is about the only thing we have left to heal this planet and bring it to the place where peace and...
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Jane Evershed
Jan 10, 20247 min read
Art and Truth are intrinsically linked to our Creation Currency. Stir in consciousness, and we have a recipe for complete emancipation...
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Jane Evershed
Dec 11, 202315 min read
AI’s outer manifestation has always been to impress in order for it to be embraced and accepted by the mass population. As with...
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Jane Evershed
Sep 21, 202319 min read
The Art of Unity Consciousness
We know we come from Prime Creator Source, whoever that may be for you. We also know that if just one organ in the body shuts down it may...
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Jane Evershed
Sep 3, 20237 min read
the fingerprint of your soul
Wouldn't you just love to see what your soul's fingerprint looks like? The chances that you have seen it already are pretty high. You...
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Jane Evershed
Jul 18, 202310 min read
Conquest by Culture
Modern Art is being used as a weapon of mass deception right under our noses and we can neither see the writing on the wall nor smell the...
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Jane Evershed
Jul 4, 20237 min read
Your Creativity was Hijacked
You know it already. You always felt that something was missing didn’t you? Do you sometimes stuff this void with useless activities? If...
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Jane Evershed
Jun 2, 20238 min read
ART! It's not what you think!
It seems on the surface that the main purpose of art is to enhance one’s surroundings. This could not be further from the truth. As it...
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Jane Evershed
May 12, 20237 min read
The Truth about the Renaissance
The sobering truth about the Renaissance is a hard pill to swallow indeed! The Renaissance was a Psyop. If we are to visit that which...
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Jane Evershed
Apr 10, 20234 min read
The great Cave-Art psyop.
After delving deep into Prehistoric Cave Art, I discovered it was a tool for the psycho-patho-genesis of humanity. In other words it was...
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Jane Evershed
Mar 8, 20235 min read
Creation Reclamation
Reclaiming Creativity for Humanity. by Jane Evershed Don't like reading? View the video here. Humanity’s wealth lies in our creation...
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Jane Evershed
Jan 8, 20235 min read
Why Art Matters
The coming age of enlightenment will require very high human creative output. Sadly we view arts education as less than essential to...
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Jane Evershed
Dec 13, 20226 min read
Catching Creation
Creativity is Planetary Elixir First we must ask ourselves, “In God’s name, what is creativity for?” Creativity is a birthright. Just as...
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Jane Evershed
Nov 2, 20228 min read
Art will Save the World!
Let me count the ways! (Video here) People in countries that have been colonialized (which by definition means the act of...
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Jane Evershed
Sep 26, 20222 min read
New Earth Art Course!
Study this upcoming A-Z Holistic Art Course with Jane Evershed at New Earth University Starts October 4th! Scroll all the way down! Find...
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Jane Evershed
Aug 28, 202211 min read
CREATION CURRENCY WHAT IS THAT? Creation currency is vibrational wealth. Art is a key element in the great awakening toward the...
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Jane Evershed
Jul 27, 202210 min read
AI Art alert!!!!
Let's stay ahead of AI in Art. It is poised to flood the art market and render artists virtually non-essential! But we know how this game...
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