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Water Diety
oil on canvas
36" X 36"
Water Diety
There is enough
Sweet, unborn water
Gestating gently
In Mother Earth’s womb
To surface upon this Earth
And make of her,
A Paradise
It is called Primary Water
But I call it
Primal Water
Forget the stories
Of lack and scarcity
And the desperation
Of condensation
Find a spring
Near you
It spouts up
All over the place
You think Prime Creator
Forgot about
The Human race
And all the creatures
That roam this place?
Never in a million years
Her abundance
Cannot subside,
She would never leave us
High and dry.

Kommunikation mit dem Höheren Selbst Öl auf Leinwand 48" x 36"
5.000 $
Zusammenkunft im Garten der globalen Konsequenz

Original: VERKAUFT
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Original: VERKAUFT
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Frauen tanzen die Menschheit in die Zukunft

Original: VERKAUFT
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Original: VERKAUFT
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